Green Freight & Logistics Award
GCD Glomb Container Dienst GmbH is awarded the "Green Freight & Logistics Award" for the Bremen/Oldenburg region.
On June 09, 2008, GCD Glomb Container Dienst GmbH of Bremerhaven was presented with the "Green Freight & Logistics Award" for the Bremen / Oldenburg region at a ceremony in Berlin. The prize is awarded in several European countries within the framework of the INTERACTION model project and is an EU-supported initiative to promote the implementation of environment-friendly vehicle fleets. It recognises the achievements of companies in logistics, food, and waste disposal, who have taken exemplary measures in the reduction of vehicle fuel consumption and costs while at the same time reducing carbon and other damaging emissions.
The jury in Germany was made up of representatives from the Berlin Ministry of Health, Environment and Consumer Protection, the Berlin and Nuremberg chambers of commerce, as well as the German motorists' association ADAC.
GCD Glomb Container Dienst GmbH won over the jury through its exemplary and well above-average efforts – and successes - in improving the energy efficiency of its fleet. These actions included:
- 90% conversion (current status) of the fleet to conformity with the EURO 5 emissions standard
- Limiting the maximum speed of its own vehicles to 84km/h on the tachometer = actual speed 80 km/h
- Integrating the entire fleet in a monitoring system which allows the individual assessment of drivers' behaviour
- Introduction of a lucrative incentive scheme to encourage drivers to improve their energy efficiency at the wheel
- Regular environment awareness courses for all drivers and courses leading to a qualification in environment training for the fleet supervisor
- Conversion of the fleet to tyres with reduced rolling resistance
These measures have led to current annual fuel savings in the GLOMB fleet of about 60,000 litres and a CO2 reduction of 158 tonnes per year.
At the presentation ceremony, Managing Director Sigward Glomb commented, "We are very proud to receive this award, which will spur us on to even more efforts in this field in future. Currently we are considering a voluntary ban on overtaking for our own fleet drivers. The lion's share of the savings achieved will be distributed to our drivers through the incentive scheme. We feel that this is a better place for the money than in the bank accounts of the oil producers."
Member of 'puu' Partnership of Environment Enterprises in Bremen

Since October 12, 2006, we have been members of the 'puu' Partnership of Environment Enterprises in Bremen.
Innovative logistics services and transportation concepts, responsible management of natural resources, as well as the reduction or minimising of negative impacts on the community and the environment – all these factors have led to our qualification for membership, and we are particularly proud of this achievement.
This partnership is a cooperation of businesses from different fields and of different sizes who all want to do more for the environment than is legally required. This is documented by the fact that we already achieve 100% compliance with the EURO-6 emissions standard relating to environmentally friendly trucks.
Besides this, we have taken various steps to reduce fleet fuel consumption to levels well below the industry average. These measures include strict fleet management, regular driver training courses and an incentive scheme which rewards an economical driving style. In this way we contribute to environmental protection by reducing CO2 emissions by almost 200 tonnes per year.