Company Address
G C D Glomb Container Dienst GmbH
Nevadastr. 2-4
27580 Bremerhaven
Postal Address
G C D Glomb Container Dienst GmbH
Postfach 31 01 30
27537 Bremerhaven
Telephone: | +49 - (0) 471 - 982 81 - 0 | |
Telefax: | +49 - (0) 471 - 982 81 - 999 | |
e-mail: | |
This Imprint is also valid for the following webpages:
Facebook homepage GCD Glomb Container Dienst GmbH
Facebook homepage "Hafen Hamburg - Verkehr und Abfertigungssituation"
Authorised Representatives
General Managers Sigward Glomb jun., Matthias Glomb
Registration Authority and Company Number
Handelsregister Bremen HRB 1638
VAT Identification Number
DE 114 703 519
Regulatory Authorities
Gewerbeaufsicht des Landes Bremen
Lange Straße 119
27580 Bremerhaven
Senator für Umwelt, Bau, Verkehr und Europa
Ansgaritorstrasse 2
28195 Bremen
Responsible in compliance with §18 paragraph 2 MStV (state media services legislation)
Sigward Glomb jun., Matthias Glomb
Nevadastr. 2-4
27580 Bremerhaven
Traffic Liability Insurance Policy 2025
Our insurance confirmation document in PDF-format can be viewed here.
MiLoG Minimum wage compliance and exemption from liability The relevant MiLoG confirmation document in PDF-format can be viewed here. Declaration on practice-oriented handling of §7c GüKG (German law on haulage of goods) The relevant declaration in PDF-format can be viewed here.
Terms and Conditions of Carriage for Container Transports
All orders placed with us that pertain to the transport of or forwarding activities related to containers are subject – with the exception of oversized and heavy transports – to our Terms and Conditions of Carriage for Container Transports in their latest version. In addition, the latest version of the German Freight Forwarders' Standard Terms and Conditions (ADSp) shall apply.
You can download the Terms and Conditions of Carriage for Container Transports as a PDF here.
You can download the ADSp 2017 as a PDF here.
Terms and Conditions of Carriage for Oversized and Heavy Transports
All orders placed with us that pertain to oversized and heavy transports are subject to our Terms and Conditions of Carriage for Oversized and Heavy Transports in their latest version. In addition, the General Terms and Conditions of the German Federal Working Group Heavy Haulage and Crane Work (AGB-BSK Crane + Haulage 2020) shall apply. The German Freight Forwarders' Standard Terms and Conditions (ADSp) in the 2017 version do not apply.
You can download the Terms and Conditions of Carriage for Oversized and Heavy Transports as a PDF here.
You can download the AGB-BSK Crane + Haulage 2020 as a PDF here.